When all was said and done I sat on the recliner and slept, Jeff stayed near to make sure I was okay. I woke to my dear husband near me. My parents on their way home, calling to see what they could stop and get for me. And texts from sibling and coworkers asking how I was and letting me know I was in their prayers.
So my life changed yesterday, Not just because I no longer have a baby on the way... BUT because I changed. I woke this morning to see the world differently. Because through it all Jeff and I felt the most immense peace and love. A kind of feeling that only can come from a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior who knows exactly what we are going through. I woke to my remarkable husband still by my side! Still in my dear parents home with all the love and support they have to offer. (and mom making waffles, the best!!)
I tell you all of this because I know that we each have something that we are going through, some trials seem more challenging then others. Yet each of us struggle and need help! I write this to testify that you are never alone or unaided there are many praying and pulling for you on both sides of the veil! No matter who you are or what it is you are facing know that God has a perfect plan for you! Your Savior stands with you and understands all that you experience. This gospel is the greatest blessing one could ever ask for! I am grateful
to be so blessed to have it in my life!
I want to Thank God for all He has given me, Including my trials!
and I wish to thank all who have been there for me!
I love my Heavenly Father and I know He loves each of us so dearly!! :)